The Echo Project
Core Convictions


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We embark upon this project holding the following core convictions:

  • We recognize that the traditional church setting has become a subculture unto itself, and is rapidly losing traction with the culture around us.  There is a huge shift taking place in the culture, and the disconnect between the church and the world is widening--and the church has not been adapting.  We are convinced that the solution lies in looking backward and forward at the same time--to return to the basics of the mission of Christ, see it through a fresh lens, and allow Christ in us to re-connect us to the people He died to save.
  • We believe that fresh expressions of the church need to be contextual.  Rather than planting churches by forming new "Christian communities" and trying to get people to "join", we believe we need to take the gospel to where they are, allowing community form naturally from that encounter.  "Church" simply does not have to look like Sunday Morning Pulpit-and-Pew.  We are now open to new ways for the church to be shaped--holding to Scripture, but not to tradition for tradition’s sake.
  • We recognize that instead of stuffing our own gifts into a box called "ministry", we need to allow our gifts to be the ministry.  This past season has totally deconstructed our picture of ministry, and even of "church".  We have been given a clean palate, free of unnecessary limitations, to explore fresh ways for our gifts to be used.
  • We recognize that "Father's business" encompasses far more than the traditional, clerical forms of ministry, and can take an endless number of forms; and we are encouraged to explore multiple out-of-the-box possibilities to participate in Father's business.
  • We acknowledge that regardless what form ministry might take, the Spirit of Christ was already at work in the life of each individual we will encounter, and will remain with that individual after we leave.  We purpose to respect this truth and not try to be anyone's savior. We do not "bring" the Kingdom of God; we only reveal it.
  • We recognize that we are likely to be far more effective as ministers in an organic, community-based setting rather than attempting to prop up an organization for its own sake.
















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